Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Hope- It's what's for 2014!

Hope-It's what's for 2014! Today is the last day of 2013. Many people will make New Year's Resolutions- most a halfhearted attempt to correct some wrong in their life. "I will loose 20 pounds." "I will read my Bible every day." Well if Truth be told shouldn’t we do all of those things anyway?
Statistics say that the number one resolution each year is to loose weight. Gyms across the nation find a huge jump in membership around Christmas time and a large attendance increase during the month of January. Historically the gyms also find a decline in attendance around February with March returning to the Pre-Christmas attendance.
Similar attendance rates are found in most churches as well. We experience an increase in attendance around Christmas time, usually Christmas Eve. Then in January after school starts back we pick up and by March we have returned to pre- Christmas attendance with only a few more attenders.
The search for HOPE, I believe, is the reason for the season. Christ came to earth as a helpless child, dependent upon his mother for nutrients and his earthly father for protection. Yet this deity, this creator of the universe came to provide HOPE for all. That same HOPE who lived and breathed upon this earth, that HOPE who died and rose again, that HOPE is available to each of us today. This day! We do not have to wait until tomorrow to find HOPE. We do not have to wait until midnight to proclaim our resolution and determination to follow the KING of KINGS more closely.

If you are like the vast majority of breathing humanoids currently alive on this planet then you are hoping that tomorrow will come and provide a fresh start. You are hoping that next year will be better. You are hoping that your work, personal or financial problems will be fewer next year. The only chance you have for HOPE, for a better year next then this past one is in Christ alone! Don’t try to do this half hearted. Don’t try to do this alone. Don’t make a resolution for tomorrow. Listen to THE GOD, THE Creator of the Universe, THE HOPE that came, died upon the cross- rose again and is alive right now. HE-The HOPE, is calling out to each of us. Just answer, “Jesus help me!” and HE will!

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