Monday, February 9, 2015

Rise of the Droids

Rise of the Droids - How to keep our church from becoming a Droid factory.
The following article is a summary of my message from Sunday evening, February 8, 2015

What do you think of when I use the word Droid or Android?

Many will think about their cellular phone or maybe even Star Wars “These are Not the Droids you’re looking for.” Obi Won Kenobi -Star Wars episode 1 or 4 (depending on how you look at it).

Here is the definition of the word: Android- an automation in the form of a human being. This android is often designed to do a task for a human or a task that a human does not wish to do.

We will get back to the Droids soon!

In a recent study by George Barna & David Kinnaman titled “Church-less”. They share how a study form the 1990’s showed that 30% of America’s population was “Un-churched”. Now fast forward 20 years and today you find that 43% are “un-churched”. That’s more than four out of ten that do not go to or are not affiliated with church. As you can see that is a 13% increase over 20 years. At this pace we will exceed the 50% margin sometime during the next 10 years. That means that in the next 10 years 1 out of every 2 people you pass on the street will say they don’t have anything to do with organized religion!

I hate math- but I get this!

Here is another alarming number- From the Un-Church we are now going to look at the “De-churched” There is an increasing number of people who have just stopped going to church. These De-churched individuals were most often servant leaders. They were among the dedicated and active people in their church who were part of the 20% club. The 20% club is the small group of individuals’ doing 80% of the work in and for the church. These are the Droids. The droids are the laborers who do the work that we (the 80%) don’t want to do. They work week after week, changing diapers, Teaching Youth or handing out a bulletin.

The church has become Consumer Minded. The modern church has created an environment similar to the consumer minded culture around us. The majority of church attendees come to church, they Plop into “Their” seat, Pay others to do the work, Pray and GO! They do this only to come back and do it all over again next week.

In a recent study conducted for Group publishing by sociologist Josh Packard titled Future of the Church- these De-church individuals stated the following as reasons for their quitting: I’m tired of being lectured to. I’m just done with having some guy ask me for money and tell me what to do. No one cares. I served my time. It’s time for someone else to do this. These Droids are tired of the plop, pray & pay Sunday after Sunday.

In this study the De-churched were asked what they wanted. What might have helped them not quit: They want input. They want to be “thanked”, appreciated. They want to participate at a higher level. Understand- These De-churched individuals are not giving up on GOD! Just the church!

So what can we do to help our church from becoming a Droid factory? Here are two Action Points to help us: First, Say Thank You! Tell everyone who is currently serving “Thank You!” Let them know how much you appreciate what they do. Psalm 138 can be a guide for saying “Thanks”. I personally like the way the Message paraphrase words it. Second, look for ways to Share YOUR story every day! If you are actively seeking opportunities to share what Jesus is doing in your life He will provide them. The more you focus on what God is doing in your life, the more you will share with others about what God is doing in your life. The more you share, the more you will have a desire to find YOUR place of service. Soon we can make it the 50% Club. Remember what was said in Matthew 28- each and everyone one of His believers are called to serve!

So in conclusion I leave you with this challenge- Stop filling in holes and begin serving souls!

