Monday, November 26, 2012

"Not It!"

Sitting in a local restaurant this morning enjoying my meal and reading a book. Things are slow and all of the current patrons are well taking care of. The crew and staff begin to congregate and discuss all that is going on in their lives. I tune them out and continue on with my meal and book. All of a sudden I hear one of the staff say "Not It!". First one staff member then another next another would each yell "Not It!" The words ripple through the congregated staff like the beginning of a game of tag on a children's playground. No one wants to be "it"! My attention is drawn into the staff’s conversation. I listen earnestly trying to figure out what they all do not want to do. As I listen I notice that even the cooking crew is becoming part of the "not It" game that is going on. I am intrigued to discover the source of their game. I hear one of the staff say to a crew member, "look out the window." The crew member responds "awe man it’s Mr. Weber ". (For the sake of this article we will call this man Mr. Weber-this is not his real name). Now I have to find a way to look out the window without making it seem obvious that I am listening into their conversation. I lift up my glass, take a drink and then look out the window only to see an old man struggling to get out of his car. This man can best be described as looking like the old man from the movie Up- Carl Frederickson. The staff and the crew continue to discuss this man as he slowly gets out of his car and walks towards the door. Next I hear the staff and crew say things like, "I had him yesterday", "Not Mr. Weber", another staff member says "I’m on break as soon as that door opens". There were several more comments made but you get the picture. No one wanted to see this man and no one wanted to wait on him. He had a reputation that caused great distress among the employees. I continue to watch and listen. Mr. Weber opens the door with difficulty and begins to walk towards the counter. The one staff member quickly does exit to go on break. The kitchen crew all turn their back towards the door. The nearby employees (the ones who could not get away) greet him with a kind “Hello, Mr. Weber.” The loosing waitress walks up to Mr. Weber and says, “Good morning Mr. Weber  How are you today?” He responds with a gruff voice and a nod indicating that he was OK. They continue to have a little small talk and he informs the waitress that he thinks he has pneumonia. She jerks backs and covers her mouth and nose with the inside of her arm and asks if he is contagious. He responds “no” and proceeds to order his food but makes sure that she understands "it is to go!". He gives very precise orders on how he wants his food prepared and packaged. The crew quickly begins preparing his food. There is no more conversation. 
My interest wanes and I return to my meal and continue reading my book. The problem is I cannot get what I just heard and witnessed off of my mind! The situation continues to bother me. I look up to see Mr. Weber collecting his food and paying his bill. He exits the restaurant then the staff quickly resumes discussion of Mr. Weber.  He has come and gone! Soon more people come in and everyone’s attention is drawn away from Mr. Weber and directed towards their individual duties.
As I sit and ponder all that has just occurred I come to the realization that each and every one of us is a Mr. Weber and a staff member to some degree. We all act rudely and disrespectful towards others at times. Maybe we are a Mr. Weber when we've had a bad day or a disappointment or we don’t feel good. Maybe we have a bad thought at the sight of a particular individual because we have had a negative interaction with them. Is this really a good reason to act in a rude or disrespectful way? What would happen if every time we approached the Heavenly Father he was to react like the staff did? What if God were to say to His angles “Oh no here comes so in so, he is always asking for stuff.” It made me think.
As for me this holiday season I want to be “It”! I want to be the one God uses to show His love and kindness to the Mr. Webers of this world. So to all of you out there, please consider joining me. Let’s change the conversation around us from “not it” to “Me”! Let’s show this world what Christmas is all about! Let’s love others like there is no tomorrow! May God bless you this week and may He grant you eyes to see yourself when you are being a Mr. Weber or a complaining employee!
Now “Tag”-“I’m It!”

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